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The Mandalorian Premium Edition 500-55S7-02
In stock: 2


The story of The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Galactic Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. The series follows the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic.

In this action-packed pinball quest, players are transported to a galaxy far, far away as they play as the Mandalorian, teaming up with key allies and protecting Grogu, while battling dangerous enemies and forces across their journey.

Prepare for battle on the gravity-changing, rotating Encounter upper mini playfield available on the Premium and Limited Edition models. This innovative, motorized rotating playfield is packed with six stand-up targets, lights, and two full-size flippers for high intensity pinball action.

Watch out for ambushes! Like the Mandalorian seen in the series, players can be ambushed by enemy forces. A dynamic inner loop shot activates an up/down horseshoe scoop ramp for fast, repeatable precision shooting, creating tense experiences on the Premium and Limited Edition models.

Players can navigate their way to multiball mayhem by hitting a unique hanging uplift target attached to a custom molded Razor Crest ship. Success in hitting the target qualifies a center ramp shot on the Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition models.

Features of The Mandalorian­-inspired pinball machines include a large custom sculpture of Grogu, authentic video and audio from seasons one and two, and exclusive custom speech performed by actor Carl Weathers (Greef Karga). The game includes the iconic title theme song by Ludwig Göransson and stunning hand-drawn artwork by Randy Martinez, one of today’s most popular comic artists.

All games are invoiced in U.S. Dollars. Prices shown in other currencies is to be considered as an estimate. For an accurate updated currency, click here!

Click here to see the feature matrix for The Mandalorian Pinball.

Click here to see The Mandalorian Premium images in high resolution.

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Alla priser på flipperspel är nu inkluderat frakt. Våra priser inkluderar nu ALLA avgifter som frakt, speditionsarvode, terminalavgifter och införtullning. Företag som beställer betalar utan moms och en deklaration skickas till skatteverket. Privatpersoner betalar oss inkluderat moms och vi fixar allt fram till din dörr.
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Norske kunder: Alle priser på flipperspill er nå inkludert frakt og inkludert moms etter du har logget inn. Dersom frakt ikke er nødvendig og du ønsker å hente spillet selv, ta kontakt med oss for mer informasjon.

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Kontakt oss for mer informasjon.

Danske kunder:
Alle priser for flipperspil inkluderer nu forsendelse. Vores nye Door 2 Door-option inkluderer nu ALLE gebyrer såsom forsendelse, ekspeditionsgebyrer, terminalgebyrer og fortoldning. Virksomheder, der bestiller, betaler ex moms, og en erklæring sendes til skattekontoret. Privatpersoner betaler os inkl moms, og vi ordner alt op til din dør. 
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