Stern Pinball, Inc. has announced its all-new line of pinball games, The Uncanny X-Men. The game features iconic Marvel characters including Wolverine, Professor X, and many more. Created in collaboration with Marvel Comics, players will step into the lives of their favorite X-Men. To save the world from a future ruled by Sentinels, they must first change the past! The Uncanny X-Men pinball games are available today in Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition (LE) models.
The X-Men is one of the highest-grossing superhero franchises of all time, with hundreds of millions of comics sold, over $6B in Box Office earnings from films to date, and the critically acclaimed X-Men ’97 series which extended the original X-Men animated series from the 1990s. Multiple X-Men characters were featured in the new Deadpool & Wolverine movie which has grossed over $1BN making it the highest earning R-rated film of all time.
Stern’s new The Uncanny X-Men pinball games feature Wolverine, Professor X, Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Beast, Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Bishop, Kitty Pryde, and Magneto, along with a supporting cast of allies and foes. The adventure takes players to familiar X-Men locations including the Danger Room, Beast’s Lab, the X-Mansion, and Genosha. Along the way players will interact with fabled X-Men devices like Cerebro and the X-Jet.
The Uncanny X-Men playfield is a unique pinball layout that features an array of new crossing shots and ramp designs with surprising ball trajectories to deliver kinetic satisfaction. The all-new Danger Room design, located to the left of the main flippers, offers a high-risk, high-reward experience that includes a mini-flipper and a novel outlane spinner. Premium and Limited Edition models also include an all-new elevated captive ball vari-target themed as Beast’s Lab.
The Uncanny X-Men pinball game features a mechanically articulated Sentinel for the player to battle. The Sentinel’s large robotic head changes its state based on the player’s actions. In the Premium and Limited Edition models, the Sentinel rises from underneath the playfield and fights back by destroying the player’s ramps or attacking the ball with its extended hands.
The Uncanny X-Men’s game experience is masterfully illustrated in comic book style art by renowned artist Jeremy Packer, aka Zombie Yeti. Each game also features a custom X-Men soundtrack with diverse musical styles designed to immerse the player into the game’s various time periods. The soundtrack was composed by Charlie Benante of Anthrax and Pantera fame. The game’s video presentation makes the classic Days of Future Past story come to life in animated motion graphics style.
The Uncanny X-Men pinball games include Stern’s ever-expanding Insider Connected™ platform, which enables players to interact with the game and a global network of players in multiple ways. Through Insider Connected, players can track progress, earn game-specific Achievements, and discover new mutants with Cerebro. Every player who logs in with Insider Connected will discover their own mutant power to aid them with online Quests. Original buyers of The Uncanny X-Men pinball will also receive new Uncanny X-Men themed Pro, Premium, and LE owner’s badges after initial registration of their game. Ongoing code updates from Stern Pinball will enhance and extend the player experience.
Click here to see The X-Men Feature Matrix.
Click here to see The Uncanny X-Men Pro images in high resolution.
All games are invoiced in U.S. Dollars. Prices shown in other currencies is to be considered as an estimate. For an accurate updated currency, click here!
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