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Foo Fighters Premium Edition

Art.nr: 500-55U7-12
På lager: 2


Buy a Foo Fighters Premium Edition and get a Foo Fighter Banner (61 x 160cm) included for free!

Stern Pinball, Inc. unleashes a new line of pinball machines celebrating and created in cooperation with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class of 2021 inductees Foo Fighters.  The Foo Fighters pinball machines are available in Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition (LE) models.

Foo Fighters first stepped onto the world stage in 1995 with their classic self-titled debut album.  Over the course of their career, the band has released 10 studio albums, amassed over 32 million records sold worldwide, won 15 Grammy Awards, were recipients of the first-ever MTV “Global Icon” award, and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2021.  One of the biggest headliners on the global stadium, arena and festival circuits, their music will soon begin filling gamerooms and entertainment locations in pinball form.

Stern’s Foo Fighters machines bring the Foo Fighters concert experience home as players are immersed in an epic pinball adventure featuring 15 iconic songs spanning the band’s expansive catalog, including All My LifeBest of YouBreakoutEverlongHolding PoisonI’ll Stick AroundLearn to FlyMonkey WrenchMy HeroRunSomething from NothingThe PretenderThis is a CallTimes Like These, and Walk.

More than two years in the making and with creative input from the band’s own Dave Grohl, Nate Mendel, Pat Smear, Chris Shiflett, Rami Jaffee, and the late, great Taylor Hawkins, Stern’s Foo Fighters is a top-shelf pinball machine—and so much more. An entire new universe has been developed with jaw-dropping hand-drawn artwork and custom animations including “Foo Fighters Saturday Morning Action Time!”—a fictional TV series chronicling the band’s quest to save rock and roll… AND THE WORLD!  Join Foo Fighters on this rescue mission to thwart the evil, mysterious alien Overlord and his army of bots.  Search the Area 51 upper playfield to break into and unleash pinball chaos.  Jump in the van for a righteous tour of duty to save humanity from extinction and let rock rule!

Foo Fighters pinball machines include Stern’s award-winning Insider Connected™ system, which enables players to interact with the game and a global network of players in a variety of ways.  Through Insider Connected, players can track progress, earn new game-specific achievements, engage with the player community, and participate in promotions and Challenge Quests.  Insider Connected also provides an operator-focused toolset to drive location play through Location Leaderboards, build player loyalty, analyze performance, make adjustments remotely, and maintain the machines.

Click here to see the feature matrix for Foo Fighters Pinball.

Click here to see Foo Fighters Premium images in high resolution.

All games are invoiced in U.S. Dollars. Prices shown in other currencies is to be considered as an estimate. For an accurate updated currency, click here!

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Danske kunder:
Alle priser for flipperspil inkluderer nu forsendelse. Vores nye Door 2 Door-option inkluderer nu ALLE gebyrer såsom forsendelse, ekspeditionsgebyrer, terminalgebyrer og fortoldning. Virksomheder, der bestiller, betaler ex moms, og en erklæring sendes til skattekontoret. Privatpersoner betaler os inkl moms, og vi ordner alt op til din dør. 
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